Maha Jabro Grade: 1/2/3 Our class will start with a short prayer and a song called Choices. Then, we will work on the Good News letter. We will also read and discuss the Ten Commandments in the Good News handbook. St. Therese of Lisieux is the Saint of the Month for October, we will talk about how she did small things with great love.
Monika Czartoryjski Grade: 1/2/3
For this week's lesson, I plan on going through the different parts of mass & hopefully get through the 10 commandments.
Peg Tynes Grade: Mixed
After opening prayer, students completed a "Seven Sacraments Crossword Puzzle." We discussed vocabulary associated with the sacraments and reviewed/previewed homework lessons from "A Family of Faith" workbook. The role of Saint John the Baptist in Christ's baptism was presented and led to discussion of All Saints' Day. Students read an article on the origins of Halloween, All Saints' Day, and All Souls' Day. We completed an All Saints' Day handout from the Venture series and concluded our lesson with a closing prayer.
Homework: Please complete the October and November lessons in "A Family of Faith" with your student. The October goals can be found on page 9 of the parent guide. The November goals can be found on page 45 of the parent guide.
Carol Kranz Grade: 5 & 6
1 Review & Discuss What is the Our Father Saying?
A. Our Father
B. Hail Mary
C. Glory Be
found in Family of Faith Formation Book
2. Venture 10/13
Cover Page Whom do you follow, to be filled in by student
Discussion: Talk about it section
Read Legacy (pg 2)
Define Legacy:
Legacy is what a person passes on to those who come after them.
Do think (page 3) bottom
Act out Sunday Gospel, Read Connect & Answer Questions Aloud
Read How do Catholics Keep Sunday Holy & in your family
If time is available go to Venture 10/6 for connection tree
Veronica Weisenberger Grade: 7/8 This Sunday we will be looking at ways to help others and the 10 commandments. If times allows, we will be looking at the others Vision magazine that are for the coming Sundays. Homework as always is to do the las page of the magazine with their parents and returned signed (if possible).