We are excited to begin the 24-25 Religious Education year starting on September 29th. This is the 1st of 4 classes we will have in 2024, and 9 classes total for the 24-25 year, ending on May 5th, 2025. The succeeding dates of 2024 are October 13th, November 10th, and December 8th. We begin with 10 AM Mass with Fr. Andrew. After Mass, we proceed to the Social Hall for a light breakfast. At our first meeting, I will introduce the teachers. Then, the children will be dismissed to their classrooms.
All classes will end about 12:15. Jill Davidson, Director of Religious Education and Faith Formation, will have open office from 12:15-12:30 for you to stop in, say hello, chat, ask questions, or seek advice on the Family of Faith program.
The next month, we will begin the Family to Family Exercises. Parents will have time after the Parent Class finishes at 12:15, to exchange phone numbers for the faith exercise.
We look forward to seeing our blessed Prince of Peace Families on Sunday, September 29th!